Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This one's for Dougie...

I'm not typically one for self-promotion, but I've spent the last several months working on something I wanted to share. We did this cool project with some New York City sign painters, where we had them paint a stop-frame animation of the Stella "pouring ritual" on a 20 x 50-foot brick wall, then filmed the entire thing as a timelapse piece (3 weeks of painting). It sort of reinvented their trade and they were stoked on the challenge, which they f*cking killed.

But the coolest part was we used the project as a window into the world of this dying art form, and shot a short documentary about the trade and the guys struggling to keep it alive in the age of insta-print vinyl.

So please see this post as less me being self-serving, and as more of a hats off to these daredevil artists dangling 60-feet overhead. I'm proud to have helped them bring their story down to sidewalk level. I hope you'll enjoy it and pass it on.

(Timelapse of the painting project...all hand painted, no digital images)

(Couple trailers for the short doc, titled 'UP THERE')

Oh and since this blog is predominantly music-related...hats also go off to The Album Leaf for the music.

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